Saturday, August 30, 2008

widget sudoku

Dulu gue sering banget main sudoku. Permainan ngasah otak yang lumayan menguras waktu, otak dan ngilangin bete terutama kalo lagi nunggu. Awalnya, gue tertarik dan mulai ngisi2 sudoku itu lewat sebuah koran lokal yang menyediakan 1 puzzle sudoku tiap harinya dari yang gampang sampai yang mesti ngulang beberapa kali dan muter2 otak baru bisa ketemu. Saat lagi browsing, di sebuah situs gue temuin secara gak sengaja widgetnya. Mungkin aja ada yang pengen ngasa otak lewat sudoku sekarang da ada di situs ini. Selamat berpikir !!!

Earn Money for Sharing Files

Thursday, August 28, 2008

PCMAV 1.6 updatebuild 3

Virus Windx-Matrox generasi terbaru ini cukup banyak dilaporkan oleh pembaca PC Media dan menyebar luas di Indonesia. Virus ini secara teknis cukup menarik dan memiliki tantangan tersendiri dalam menganalisanya karena membawa beberapa teknik baru yang termasuk kompleks. Cara penginfeksian file pun dilakukan secara cerdik dan menggunakan teknik enkripsi. Kuat dugaan hal ini dilakukan oleh pembuatnya agar heuristik PCMAV gagal mendeteksi kehadiran virus ini di file yang terinfeksi.

Sepengetahuan kami, sampai tulisan ini dibuat, tidak ada satupun antivirus di dunia yang mampu mengatasi virus ini secara tuntas, termasuk memulihkan file executable yang terinfeksi. Justru antivirus yang ada saat ini malah menghapus file Anda yang telah terinfeksi Windx-Maxtrox.

7 langkah pembersihan manual yang digembar-gemborkan ke beberapa media massa di Indonesia kami nilai tidak banyak membantu mengatasi virus ini secara tuntas. Sayangnya lagi, niat baik pihak tersebut dalam menginformasikan virus ini ke media massa tidak diimbangi oleh kemampuan teknis yang baik dan memadai dalam men-disassembly dan mendekrip virus ini secara menyeluruh. Akibatnya, beberapa informasi untuk membersihkan virus ini malah berakibat fatal yang akan menyebabkan file yang terinfeksi justru terhapus, bukan dipulihkan.

Untuk itulah, PC Media mengeluarkan PCMAV 1.6 Update Build3 yang telah dilengkapi engine cleaner khusus untuk mengatasi virus Windx-Matrox secara tuntas sampai ke “akar-akarnya” serta mampu memulihkan file yang terinfeksi, walau dienkrip, hingga kembali utuh 100%! Jangan ambil risiko, gunakan hanya PCMAV 1.6 Build3 (atau yang terbaru) untuk mengatasi virus ini secara tuntas. Di PCMAV 1.7 nanti engine cleaner khusus ini juga telah tersedia. Selain itu, artikel ini juga dilengkapi hasil analisa lengkap virus Windx-Maxtrox untuk meluruskan beberapa kekeliruan dari analisa virus ini yang sempat beredar di media massa, baik cetak maupun online. Selamat mengikuti…

Update Build3 hadir dengan penambahan 15 pengenal varian virus baru. Bagi Anda pengguna PCMAV 1.6 sangat disarankan segera melakukan update, agar PCMAV Anda dapat mengenali dan membasmi virus lebih banyak lagi. Jadi, total virus yang dapat dikenali hingga Build3 kali ini adalah sebanyak 38 virus.

Untuk mendapatkan dan menggunakan update PCMAV ini, pastikan terlebih dahulu PCMAV RealTime Protector tidak sedang aktif. Jika iya, Anda harus menutup aplikasi tersebut terlebih dahulu. Lalu Anda cukup menjalankan PCMAV Cleaner (PCMAV-CLN.exe), tentunya komputer harus dalam keadaan aktif terhubung ke Internet (non-proxy). Fitur GetUpdates dari PCMAV secara otomatis akan memberikan alamat internet yang aktif di mana Anda bisa men-download file update tersebut. Letakkan file hasil download tersebut (PCMAV.vdb) ke dalam folder di mana PCMAV berada. Jika sebelumnya telah terdapat file update yang lama, Anda cukup menimpanya. Dan nanti saat Anda kembali menjalankan PCMAV, ia sudah dalam keadaan kondisi ter-update.
download PCMAV 1.6 updatebuild 3 di sini
Baca selengkapnya di sini
Earn Money for Sharing Files

Integrasi clamav pada PCMAV

Untuk melakukan integrasi PCMAV dan ClamAV dengan memanfaatkan library ClamAV 0.93, langkah-langkah yang dapat dilakukan adalah sebagai berikut:

* Pindahkan PCMAV dari CD/DVD pada majalah PC Media pada komputer kita. Bagi yang tidak mempunyai Majalah PC Media, untuk keperluan pribadi atau non profit, dapat mendownload PCMAV terakhir dari halaman ini. Jangan lupa pula untuk mendownload update terbaru dan masukkan pada direktori yang sama dengan file-file PCMAV yang lain.
* Download file library ClamAV clamav-win32-0.93.7z dari halaman ini atau Ekstrak tiga buah file libclamav.dll, libclamunrar.dll dan libclamunrar_iface.dll ke dalam folder di mana PCMAV berada.
* Download database CVD terbaru yaitu file main.cvd dan daily.cvd dari website ClamAV. Untuk mendownload kedua file tersebut, lakukan dengan mengklik kanan link filenya dan pilih Save Link As.. atau Save Target As.. (sesuaikan dengan browser yang digunakan) atau dengan menggunakan download manager. Selanjutnya simpan kedua file ini pada folder PCMAV.
* Pastikan sistem operasi Windows Anda menggunakan library MSVCRT80 yang sesuai. Jika tidak, ClamAV tidak akan bisa terintegrasi dengan baik. Jika itu yang terjadi, silakan Anda download file, ekstrak dan tempatkan file-file-nya (Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest, msvcm80.dll, msvcp80.dll, dan msvcr80.dll) bersamaan dengan file PCMAV dan ClamAV lainnya.
* Setelahnya, kita dapat menggunakan PCMAV dengan pengenalan jumlah virus yang jauh llebih banyak dibandingkan tanpa menggunakan library ClamAV 0.93.

Earn Money for Sharing Files

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

PCMAV 1.6 update 2

Waktu lagi browsing, trus buka ternyata sudah ada updatetan terbaru PCMAV 1.6 yaitu update 2. Dari situs tersebut dijelaskan bahwa update terbaru ini menambahkan database 11 virus baru yang banyak dilaporkan menyebar di Indonesia . Bagi Anda pengguna PCMAV 1.6 sangat disarankan segera melakukan update, agar PCMAV Anda dapat mengenali dan membasmi virus lebih banyak lagi. Jadi total tambahan virus sampai Update Build2 kali ini adalah sebanyak 23 virus.

Daftar total tambahan virus PCMAV 1.6 Update Build2:

Kunjungi web untuk download virusindonesia

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Itu Bukan Cinta

Maafkan aku bila harus kuralat

Harus kuluruskan semua pengakuan

yang sebenarnya adalah kebohongan

Aku tak bermaksud membela diri

Atau berusaha menutupi jejak-jejak samar yang kita tinggakan

Aku tak bermaksud mengubah keadaan

Hanya membenarkan sesuatu yang mungkin benar pada awalnya

Dulu itu bukan cinta

Aku pun tak tahu istilah apa yang cocok

Mungkin hanya sekedar obsesi

miliki gadis sepertimu

Atau hanya ego sesaat seorang remaja yang beranjak dewasa

Kalaupun harus ada yang berubah

Mungkin hanyalah kebenaran yang sedikit tertunda

Sedikit perombakan atas segala kejadian yang mungkin tlah terlupakan

Hingga hanya menjadi bumbu cerita di masa tua

Menjadi bahan untuk tertawa bersama

Sejenak . . .

Sebelum akhirnya benar-benar terlupakan

dalam keabadian

20 Februari 2008


Waktu kan membawamu pulang

Waktu kan membawamu pulang

Rajawali datang menukik menjemput

Kepakkan sayap terbang

Meniti bianglala htam

Melintasi cakrawala biru pekat

Berarak bersama putihnya awan

Saat angin datang berhembus

Bersembunyi dalam kabut kelabu

Tumpahkan sgala ingin

Waktu kan membawamu pulang

Detak dan detik akan kembali

Melewati semua yang tlah berlalu

Merebak tirai bianglala

Mewarnai langit kelam

Takkan ada yang menghadang

Kembalimu bersama rajawali

Meski waktu tlah usang

Diterpa sang mentari

Aku adalah Kebebasan

Aku adalah kebebasan

Pembawa pesan-pesan liberal

Serukan kemerdekaan pribadi

Aku adalah bebas

Merdeka dari segala-galanya

Tak ada yang mengganggu

Tak ada yang merongrong

Aku ingin bebas

Tak ada yang menindas

Memaksa dan merongrong

Aku adalah aku

Bebas, merdeka dan liberal

Semua takkan berubah

Hingga datangnya reformasi hati

Ini adalah diriku

Ini adalah mimpiku

Ini adalah anganku

Ini adalah inginku

Tuk selamanya

Untitled 2

Aku kehilangan kata-kataku

Tak ada lagi rangkaian huruf yang bermakna

Tak ada lirik-lirik yang sanggup kutulis

Tak ada ide dalam fikiranku

Semua kosong

Hanya seliweran huruf-huruf tak terangkai

Melintas memasuki ruang kosongku

Lalu menghilang dalam sekejab

Ide-ide cemerlangku terbang

Tanpa ada sisa-sisa untuk kumaknai kembali

Aku frustasi, aku bosan

Bingung dalam keputusasaan

Menanti ilham memasuki rohku

Saat baying-bayang menghantuiku

Aku kehilangan kata-kataku

Tak mampu menulis lagi

Meski tinta ini masihlah banyak

Dan kertas-kertas putih menanti

Walau tlah kukerahkan semua

Untitled 1

Ada bayang merasuk tubuhku

Menerpaku , menghantam


Seolah ingin membunuh


Namun keterjebak

Terimpit dalam kenanganku

Ada gadis seperti rembulan

Melintas dalam detik-detikku walau sejenak saja

Tak mampu kupupuskan

Tak sanggup kuhindari

Datang dan pergi begitu saja dalam sekejapan mata

Meninggalkan bekas tak terhapuskan waktu

Simpan luka dalam rindu yang masih bersisa

Ingin menjauh saja tak ingin kembali

Tapi sejauh apapun melangkah

Ada saat untuk diam dan berbalik

Menatap setiap tapak

Hingga goyah untuk melangkah maju

Membangun tapak-tapak baru tanpa rembulan

Mencari Keabadian Damai

Dalam keremangan cahaya lampu

Bak sebuah patung batu

Tak bergerak

Namun napas panjang …lirih

Mencoba temukan kedamaian hati

Dakam kesendirian merenung

Mencari dan mencari terang

Menyingkap dan menyingkap gelap

Aku hanyalah diam terpaku

Menyaksikan semuanya itu

Tanpa berbisik dan berkata

Mirip dengannya

Merenung dalam kesendirian

Sendiri untuk merenung

Menjadikan sepi sebagai teman

Walau penat datang menghadang

13 September 2003

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

PCMAV 1.6 update 1

Update Build1 hadir dengan penambahan 12 pengenal varian virus baru. Bagi Anda pengguna PCMAV 1.6 sangat disarankan segera melakukan update, agar PCMAV Anda dapat mengenali dan membasmi virus lebih banyak lagi.

Untuk mendapatkan dan menggunakan update PCMAV ini, pastikan terlebih dahulu PCMAV RealTime Protector tidak sedang aktif. Jika iya, Anda harus menutup aplikasi tersebut terlebih dahulu. Lalu Anda cukup menjalankan PCMAV Cleaner (PCMAV-CLN.exe), tentunya komputer harus dalam keadaan aktif terhubung ke Internet (non-proxy). Fitur GetUpdates dari PCMAV secara otomatis akan memberikan alamat internet yang aktif di mana Anda bisa men-download file update tersebut. Letakkan file hasil download tersebut (PCMAV.vdb) ke dalam folder di mana PCMAV berada. Jika sebelumnya telah terdapat file update yang lama, Anda cukup menimpanya. Dan nanti saat Anda kembali menjalankan PCMAV, ia sudah dalam keadaan kondisi ter-update.

download update PCMAV di sini

Daftar tambahan virus PCMAV 1.6 Update Build1:


Inilah keunggulan PCMAV yang membedakannya dengan antivirus lain:

- ANTIVIRUS TERBAIK: Mengenali sekaligus mengatasi gangguan virus
komputer, baik virus lokal maupun asing, yang banyak menyebar di
Indonesia lebih banyak dari antivirus lainnya di dunia.

- PRODUKSI INDONESIA: Antivirus produksi nasional pertama di Indonesia
yang berkualitas dalam mengatasi secara tuntas berbagai jenis gangguan
virus komputer yang membandel.

- BERSIH TUNTAS: Dengan daya basmi PCMAV yang tangguh, virus yang
membandel sekalipun dapat diburu sekaligus dibersihkan secara tuntas
sampai ke "akar-akarnya" tanpa sisa.

- PENYELAMATAN DOKUMEN: Folder maupun file dokumen penting Anda yang
disembunyikan (hidden) maupun terinfeksi oleh virus dapat dipulihkan
secara sempurna hingga 100% tanpa khawatir risiko kehilangan atau
kerusakan pada file.

- PEMULIHAN SISTEM: Settingan registry dan file sistem penting Windows
yang telah "rusak", baik oleh virus maupun akibat penggunaan antivirus
lain yang kurang handal, mampu diperbaiki (repair) secara menyeluruh
hingga pulih 100%.

- AKURAT: Formula khusus yang kami temukan mampu menjadikan PCMAV sebagai
salah satu antivirus terbaik di dunia dalam hal keakuratan pendeteksian.
Kekeliruan mendeteksi virus yang dikenal tidak ada dalam kamus PCMAV,
sehingga kesalahan dalam penyelamatan file dapat dihindari.

- AKTIF MELINDUNGI: Dirancang secara pro-aktif untuk memastikan sebuah
file yang dijalankan telah bebas virus dan akan menghadang virus
sebelum menyebar, bahkan untuk virus baru yang belum dikenal. Jadi
Anda pun bisa tenang, karena saat komputer Anda bekerja, PCMAV tak
berhenti melindunginya.

- UPDATE OTOMATIS: Kurang lebih 100 virus baru ditemukan di Indonesia
setiap bulannya. Secara otomatis, dengan online update secara reguler,
PCMAV akan melindungi komputer Anda dari ancaman virus terbaru.

- PEMERIKSAAN MENYELURUH: Teknologi multi-point scanning di PCMAV efektif
dalam menghindari lolosnya virus yang mampu otomatis aktif baik sebagai
kode injeksi, process, services, sampai yang terjadwal sekalipun.

- MENGENALI VIRUS BARU: Teknologi "GeneticHeuristic" yang unik secara
efektif mampu mendeteksi virus baru yang belum dikenal.

- PENDETEKSIAN TERCEPAT: Dengan algoritma spesial yang terdapat dalam kode
komponen inti pendeteksiannya, PCMAV mampu menghasilkan performa tercepat
dibanding antivirus lain yang pernah diproduksi di Indonesia.

- DUAL CORE ENGINE ANTIVIRUS: Engine PCMAV dapat dikombinasikan dengan
engine ClamAV yang telah disempurnakan oleh tim PCMAV untuk mendapatkan
hasil pendeteksian dan perlindungan virus yang lebih banyak, bahkan
hingga 200.000 virus lebih.

- MUDAH DIOPERASIKAN: Menu dan tampilan dari sebuah program antivirus
kini begitu menyenangkan, mudah dioperasikan dan tidak ribet.

- TANPA INSTALL: PCMAV bersifat portable, sehingga dapat dioperasikan
secara langsung tanpa perlu meng-install-nya.

- AHLI TERPERCAYA: Dengan pengalaman sejak tahun 1992,pengembang antivirus
di PC Media merupakan peneliti virus komputer dan pembuat antivirus yang
sangat berpengalaman dan termasuk langka di Indonesia. Oleh karenanya,
kami tahu benar bagaimana menghasilkan antivirus terpercaya dan terbaik
sesuai kondisi di Indonesia.

- DUKUNGAN PC MEDIA: PCMAV didukung penuh oleh PC Media, majalah komputer
terbesar di Indonesia.

- GRATIS: Merupakan bonus ekstra di setiap pembelian Majalah PC Media edisi
terbaru yang terbit tiap bulan.

Download PCMAV | Main clamav | daily clamav

Monday, August 11, 2008

Belum ada judul

Ada yang kurindukan
Saat kupandangi satu persatu gambar
Menatap senyum-senyum manis dalam bingkai yang tlah usang
Memaknai lekuk-lekuk tawa yang tersimpan

Ada yang hilang
Saat kubaca kembali catatanku
Menikmati setiap goresan pena
Mengenang kenangan yang masih terekam

Adakah yang masih dapat kuselamatkan
Memperbaiki kesalahan lampau
Lalu kembali menyimpan kenangan
Menggores dalam selembar kertas yang baru
Hingga suatu saat
Akupun dapat tersenyum
Menikmati dan mengenang semua
Tanpa ada penyesalan

livingroom tsib2/2 090808 18:19

Atlas of Diabetic Foot

Diabetes mellitus is a common disease all over the world and its frequency is steadily increasing. The availability of a wide variety of treatment options results in improvement or even normalization of hyperglycemia as well as of the accompanying metabolic disorders. However people with diabetes continue to suffer from the complications of the disease. Diabetic foot-related problems occur frequently and may have serious consequences. Amputations at different anatomical levels are the most serious of them. The present Atlas represents a systematic description of the many different foot lesions, which are often seen in diabetic patients. Each figure corresponds to a case treated in our Diabetes Centre at the Athens University Medical School. Our patients are evaluated and treated in collaboration with the Orthopedic Department as well as with other specialists depending upon individual needs. A short text, which follows each illustration, describes the history of the patient, the physical signs observed, the approach to treatment, and is followed by a short comment. It is hoped that this Atlas will be of assistance, as a reference guide and a teaching instrument, not only to diabetologists and surgeons, but also to all doctors involved in the treatment of diabetic patients. This book may help them not only to recognize and to treat the diabetic foot lesions, but also to prevent them.

Atlas of Diabetic Foot

Harry Potter and the Deadly Hollow

Novel ini merupakan sekuel ketujuh dari novel laris dan terkenal karangan JK Rowling setelah Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry Potter and the Secret Chamber, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, dan Harry Potter and the order of Phoenix. Sekuel ketujuh ini juga merupakan sekuel terakhir dari kisah petualangan Harry Potter dan teman-temannya di Sekolah Sihir Hogwarts.
Sekuel ini menceritakan tentang petualangan Harry Potter dan teman-temannya terutama Hermione dan Ron dalam mengungkap bagaimana cara untuk menghentikan kuasa jahat dari Lord Voldemort sepeninggal Kepala Sekolah Dumbledore. Kisah ini diawali dengan cerita mengenai hilangnya mantra pelindung Harry Potter setelah usia 16 th. Akhir ceritanya, hmmmm
Baca aja langsung
Donlot di sini

ABC of Clinical Haematology 2th ed

As with most medical specialties, haematology has seen major changes since this book was first published in 1998. We now have greater understanding of the molecular biology of many diseases, both malignant and non-malignant. This new knowledge has helped us to develop more sensitive assays for many conditions, and has been taken into the clinic, with the engineering of new drugs, such as STI571 used in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukaemia, amongst others. As with the first edition, the intention has been to encompass all aspects of haematology but with perhaps a greater emphasis on basic science than previously. Readers will note that the writing team is almost identical to that for the first edition, which provides continuity of style. I would like to express my gratitude to all my haematology colleagues for updating their sections and bringing the entire text up to date. Key reading lists are provided for all topics for those wishing to read about haematology in greater detail. Thanks must also go to the BMJ and in particular Mary Banks, Senior Commissioning Editor, and Sally Carter, Development Editor, who have been key players in the development of the second edition. I would welcome any comments concerning the book, and perhaps readers may have suggestions for the next edition. I can be contacted at

ABC of Clinical Haematology 2th ed

Braunwald: Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 6th ed

The accelerating advances in cardiology since the publication of the fifth edition of Heart Disease have required the most extensive changes yet made in any revision. This edition, the first in the new millennium, contains 30 chapters that are new (the most for any revision to date), and the remaining 42 have been extensively revised and updated. The editors warmly welcome 56 authors who are new to this edition.
Cardiovascular disease is now, more than ever, a global problem with enormous economic consequences. The various forms of heart disease in different economies and cultures are presented in the new opening chapter by Gaziano, and principles of cost-effective practice are described in a new chapter by Hlatky and Mark. Part II, The Examination of the Patient, begins with the clinical examination and moves progressively from simple to more sophisticated noninvasive and invasive techniques. All of these approaches are described in detail with many new illustrations. The new chapter "Relative Merits of Cardiovascular Diagnostic Techniques," by Beller, provides a rational approach to the selection among several methods available to image the heart.
Heart failure is becoming an increasingly prevalent problem. Bristow has prepared two new chapters on the treatment of this condition, with emphasis on new treatment options based on pathophysiological considerations. There also has been enormous progress in cardiac electrophysiology and arrhythmology. Zipes has enlisted a cadre of talented authors to help update this section, always one of the strongest in Heart Disease.
The section on atherosclerosis is entirely new, reflecting greatly expanded information in this field and Libby's expertise in the area. The risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis and methods for its prevention are presented in new chapters. In view of the increasing importance of diabetes as a risk factor for vascular disease, a new chapter on diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease has been added. The cardiologist is called upon increasingly to deal with patients with extracardiac vascular disease. In new chapters on this subject, Creager and Libby describe the diagnosis and management of these conditions, and Dake and Samuels describe the extracardiac vascular interventions.
The acute coronary syndromes are, by far, the most common diagnoses for cardiovascular patients admitted to the hospital. In a new chapter on unstable angina, Cannon and Braunwald describe the many new diagnostic techniques and therapeutic measures available to care for these patients, and Antman and Braunwald provide a detailed contemporary description of the clinical manifestations and management of acute myocardial infarction. Interventional cardiology has progressed rapidly since the mid-1990s, and Popma and Kuntz have prepared an excellent new chapter on this important subspecialty of cardiology.
The sixth edition also focuses on the different manifestations in various populations, with new chapters on acquired heart disease in infancy, congenital heart disease in adults, and heart disease in athletes, in diabetics, in the elderly, and in patients with HIV infection and neoplastic disease, and an updated chapter on coronary artery disease in women.
The impact of molecular biology and genetics on cardiovascular disease is growing rapidly. A new chapter, "Principles of Cardiovascular Molecular Biology and Genetics," by Leiden joins the updated chapter "Genetics and Cardiovascular Disease" by Pyeritz in providing clear explanations of this important area. Many cardiovascular diseases result, in part, from coagulation disorders. Schafer and colleagues have prepared an excellent new chapter on hemostasis, thrombosis, and fibrinolysis to equip the cardiologist with the information required to deal effectively with these disorders. Other important new chapters include "Echocardiography," by Armstrong and Feigenbaum, and "Hypotension and Syncope," by Calkins and Zipes.
Practice guidelines are increasingly influencing the diagnosis and therapy of heart disease. Lee provides useful summaries of the most important guidelines developed by authoritative groups and skillfully places them into the perspective of modern patient care.
Considerable revisions were made both in galley proofs and page proofs to include information about the most recent advances in the field. Particular emphasis has been placed on ensuring a comprehensive and up-to-date bibliography of more than 18,000 pertinent references, including hundreds of publications that appeared in 2000. Many of the 1700 figures and 546 tables are new to this edition.
In order to allow the reader to keep pace with the enormous expansion of cardiovascular knowledge, Heart Disease is supplemented by a number of companion volumes. These include Cardiac Imaging, Cardiovascular Therapeutics, Molecular Basis of Heart Disease, and Clinical Trials in Cardiovascular Disease. These books have been well received, and new editions are in preparation. Companion volumes in other important segments of cardiology are planned. In addition, a Review and Assessment book will again accompany this edition of Heart Disease. It consists of 600 questions based on material discussed in the textbook and provides the answers as well as detailed explanations. The publisher, Harcourt Health Sciences, comprising W.B. Saunders, Mosby, and Churchill Livingstone, is developing a comprehensive website in cardiology: MDConsult-Cardiology. The sixth edition of Heart Disease will serve as the "anchor" of this website, which will be updated continuously. This multipronged educational effort--Heart Disease, the growing number of companion volumes, and the Review and Assessment book, all appearing in print and electronic (CD-ROM) form, as well as the new website--is designed to assist the reader with the awesome task of learning and remaining current in this dynamic field.
We hope that this textbook will prove useful to those who wish to broaden their knowledge of cardiovascular medicine. To the extent that it achieves this goal and thereby aids in the care of patients afflicted with heart disease, credit must be given to the many talented and dedicated persons involved in its preparation. Our deepest appreciation goes to our fellow contributors for their professional expertise, knowledge, and devoted scholarship, which are at the very "heart" of this book. At the W.B. Saunders Company, our editor, Richard Zorab, and the production team, Lynne Gery, Frank Polizzano, and Anne Ostroff, were enormously helpful. Our editorial associates, Kathryn Saxon, Janet Hutcheson, and Karen Williams, rendered invaluable and devoted assistance.

Braunwald: Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 6th ed

ABC of Diabetes

ABC of Diabetes

Advances in clinical science over a single professional lifetime during the second half of the 20th century have led to improvements in understanding the causes and complications of diabetes, together with alleviation of suffering to an extraordinary degree, unimaginable even 25 years ago. Many of the clinical improvements have been initiated at innovative centres across the United Kingdom.In the 1960s and 1970s physicians had to stand by helplessly watching their patients overwhelmed by complications of the disease. Prevention of blindness by photocoagulation and renal support treatment for those in renal failure became possible in the 1970s, while development of specialist foot clinics during the 1980s succeeded in halving the amputation rate. The sad outcome for pregnancies even 20 years after the discovery of insulin when the fetal mortality rate was more than 25%, has been transformed so that now more than 95% of these pregnancies succeed. And now, the landmark Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) of Type 1 diabetes in the United States, and more recently the astonishing chievement of the late Professor Robert Turner in completing the United Kingdom Perspective Diabetes Survey (UKPDS) of Type 2 diabetes have demonstrated how to reduce the incidence and progression of diabetic complications by good treatment. Yet there is still more. The present technology of managing diabetes was undreamt of until the last quarter of the 20th century. The introduction of home blood glucose monitoring with new non-invasive technologies now in sight, has made possible the achievement of “tight control”, while at the same time advances in understanding and reversing diminished awareness of hypoglycaemia are reducing its hazards. The invention of insulin pens and more recently the development of insulin pumps has contributed in great measure to improving the quality of life of those with the burden of lifelong diabetes. Furthermore after the British discoveries of the chemical (Frederick Sanger, 1955) and physical structure (Dorothy Hodgkin, 1969) of insulin followed by the revolution in molecular science, man-made insulin analogues have been
introduced, giving further advantages in achieving good blood glucose control while minimising hypoglycaemia. The initially controversial “invention” of the diabetes specialist nurse by Dr Joan Walker in Leicester in the 1950s is
arguably one of the most important advances in health care, not only for those with diabetes but across the whole of medicine. The tremendous benefits in the delivery of care especially to those with diabetes and other chronic diseases have been accompanied by recognition of community needs and improvements in crossing the primary/secondary care interface. It is now to be hoped that improvements in information technology, more sophisticated audit, and provision of a national eye screening programme may emerge from the National Service Framework of 2002/2003. Rapid clinical advances of this magnitude require substantial support. Diabetes UK, founded as the Diabetic Association by Dr RD Lawrence and his patient HG Wells in 1934 (later the British Diabetic Association), has uniquely supported both patients and their needs as well as clinical and scientific research. More recently the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation has made substantial contributions. Furthermore the pharmaceutical industry has been both innovative in its own laboratories as well as supportive of both patient and clinicians. It gives particular pleasure to reproduce some parts of the personal account by Mrs B-J (with her permission) of her own diabetes over the last 70 years of attendances at King’s College Hospital. She describes vividly aspects of treatment and some of the problems faced by people with diabetes, and one can see clearly how many improvements there have been during her lifetime. Her account should give tremendous encouragement to those now starting on their own life with diabetes. The ABC is intended as a strictly practical guide to the management of diabetes and its complications and is directed to all those doctors, nurses, and health professionals, other than established specialists, who see diabetic patients, and medical students should find some value in its pages. Many of the innovations of the end of the 20th century are described in this fifth edition of the ABC in the hope that it will help in the delivery of the very best standards of care to those who need it in the 21st century

ABC of Diabetes

ABC of Liver,Pancreas, and Gall Bladder

ABC of Liver,Pancreas, and Gall Bladder

Diseases of the Liver, Pancreas and biliary system affect a substantial proportion of the worlds
population and involve doctors and health care workers across many disciplines. Many of these
diseases produce great misery and distress and are economically important requiring much time
off work. The aim of this series was to provide an overview of these diseases and enable the busy
clinician to keep abreast of advances in diagnosis and management of not only the common but
also the rarer, but none the less important, condition.

1 Investigation of liver and biliary disease
I J Beckingham, S D Ryder
2 Gallstone disease
I J Beckingham
3 Acute hepatitis
S D Ryder, I J Beckingham
4 Chronic viral hepatitis
S D Ryder, I J Beckingham
5 Other causes of parenchymal liver disease
S D Ryder, I J Beckingham
6 Portal hypertension-1:varices
J E J Krige, I J Beckingham
7 Portal hypertension -2. Ascites, encephalopathy, and other conditions
J E J Krige, I J Beckingham
8 Liver tumours
I J Beckingham, J E J Krige
9 Liver abscesses and hydatid disease
J E J Krige, I J Beckingham
10 Acute pancreatitis
I J Beckingham, P C Bornman
11 Chronic pancreatitis
P C Bornman, I J Beckingham
12 Pancreatic tumours
P C Bornman, I J Beckingham
13 Liver and pancreatic trauma
I J Beckingham, J E J Krige
14 Transplantation of the liver and pancreas
K R Prasad, J P A Lodge

ABC of Liver,Pancreas, and Gall Bladder

Friday, August 1, 2008

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine 6th ed

There has seldom been a better time to be ill, one might think, on reviewing all the changes and developments since our last edition. From Angina to Zollingerâ€"Ellison syndrome, the new developments, all detailed in this volume, seem universally bright or brighteningâ€"and overall death rates from the big killers such as coronary heart disease are declining faster than ever before. This superficial view hides darker forces which paint a more sombre picture. The pandemic of HIV has grown a pace or two or three. Diabetes is doubling its grip, and global warming is introducing new diseases to areas where local inhabitants have little immunityâ€"these effects are described in Chapters 9 and 14. Once-trusted antibiotics are becoming useless in the face of pathogen development (p262); airlines are spreading completely new diseases around the worldâ€"eg SARS. Diseases caused by medicine have never been more common. Crucially, the world is no wealthier than when we first began to write on these topics.

While this book will doubtless prove indispensable in choosing correctly between self-destruction and passive extinction, some readers will point out that this received wisdom is wisdom subverted. Is SARS really an example of the darker prophesies being fulfilled? New diseases have always been appearing; what may be new about this epidemic was that is was caught early (albeit provisionally)â€"by the rapid dissemination of knowledge via electronic media. Often the people in white coats were waiting for the disease before it arrived. Information spread faster than the diseaseâ€"and the organism's genome was sequenced almost as soon as it was identified. Similarly, with HIV, not all the news is bad. Rich countries are learning, painfully slowly, to share their expensive drugs with poorer populations. There is no alternative to altruismâ€"even if one takes a purely selfish view of one's own interests. Altruism pays! (If the rich prosper only at the expense of others, the net result is not sustainable wealthâ€"revolution, or something unknown, is more likely.)

These, and many other developments described in this book point to just what can be achieved by dialogue and teamwork. This edition sees a new beginning (our Prologue) in which we flesh out what teamwork really means by giving an example of when it all goes wrong. Evidence-based medicine is a prime example of teamwork going rightâ€"usually. The funding organizations, the investigators, the statisticians, and the clinicians work together to provide the best possible treatment for the patient. We detail more fruits of this collaboration than in all other editions. We are using a new disc sign, with a number below ([diskette]1) to direct readers to the correct location on the web page of our references and their internet-enabled links at Scholars among our readers may want to print these out to carry with them with our text to provide chapter and verse during tricky ward-rounds. Those who miss immediate access to our sources may remind themselves of Hagel's view in his Aesthetics that the purer the form, the less space it requiresâ€"and this economy of space has been one of our principal aims.[diskette]2

Further changes include a short section on essential drugs; a new section on Clinical Skills; more ECGs; and many new algorithms to reflect current practiceâ€"as well as new topics from the all-encompassing (Patient-centred care) to rare minutiae (such as all the different types of multiple endocrine neoplasia and their nefarious genetic associations). There are new mnemonicsâ€"not too intrusive, and not too rude (usually). Much re-organization is in evidence (eg Diabetes mellitus). But the most important changes are the hardest to spotâ€"thousands of small changes in the bodies of paragraphs. This incrementalism, accumulating like coral, amounts to whole new formations which, in this edition, take on a life of their own, set against backgrounds of rich tropical coloursâ€"a holiday for the eye, for which we thank the ever-creative staff at the Press.


Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine 6th ed

Harrison : Principle of Internal Medicine 17th ed

Harrison : Principle of Internal Medicine 17th ed

The first edition of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine was published almost 60 years ago. Over the decades, the field of internal medicine has evolved greatly and has incorporated the spectacular advances that have occurred in the science of medicine into its armamentarium of diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. This textbook has evolved simultaneously to keep step with these advances while at the same time maintaining an appreciation of the art of medicine and the principles underlying the optimal care of the patient. In shaping and revising this latest edition, the Editors have committed themselves to making the textbook an invaluable resource for students and practitioners coping with the demands of modern medicine.

The seventeenth edition of Harrison's has a full-color format that draws from and extends the excellent appearance of the sixteenth edition to make the content more accessible and pleasant to read. The placement of color illustrations within the chapters rather than in the separate atlas was very favorably received by our sixteenth edition readers and has been continued in the current edition. Many changes to the design of this edition have been made in order to speed the reader's navigation through the textual and visual materials. For example, tables have been shaded for ease of reading, citations in tables and illustrations are now more instantly notable and in color, and our Treatment sections in each chapter have been redesigned to allow even faster access. The new global icons call greater attention to key epidemiologic and clinical differences in the practice of medicine throughout the world.

Part 1, "Introduction to Clinical Medicine," contains a new chapter that lays the framework for appreciating the global issues in medicine and the variations in disease incidence and patterns throughout the world. It sets the stage for the discussion in individual chapters of global issues related to specific diseases, a novel feature in this edition. In addition, there are e-chapters on quality and safety issues in patient care, economics of health care delivery, ethics in clinical medicine, and health care disparities. The last chapter addresses the evidence for racial and ethnic disparities in health care in the United States and globally and offers a variety of approaches for minimizing them.

Part 2, "Cardinal Manifestations and Presentation of Diseases," serves as a comprehensive introduction to clinical medicine as well as a practical guide to the care of patients with these manifestations. Each section focuses on a particular group of disorders, examining the concepts of pathophysiology and differential diagnosis that must be considered in caring for patients with these common clinical presentations. Major symptoms are reviewed and correlated with specific disease states, and clinical approaches to patients presenting with these symptoms are summarized. There are eleven new chapters in this Part. Every chapter that appeared in the sixteenth edition has been updated, and two chapters have new authors. Among the e-chapters are atlases of rashes associated with fever; oral manifestations of disease; renal biopsies and urinary sediments; skin manifestations of internal disease; and peripheral blood and bone marrow. A new chapter on Hypercalcemia and Hypocalcemia provides a succinct overview of the causes, clinical presentations, and management of these conditions as a complement to the more extensive discussion of these topics in Part 15, "Endocrinology and Metabolism." New chapters discuss common clinical presentations such as menstrual disorders and pelvic pain, the pathogenesis and treatment of headache, the clinical approach to imbalance, and the causes of confusion and delirium.

Part 3, "Genetics and Disease," has been extensively updated, reflecting the remarkable impact of the human genome project and its implications for clinical medicine. The material included in this edition is strongly geared toward clinical practice, in which genetic information increasingly comes into play. A new chapter on gene transfer in clinical medicine addresses the principles and strategies for this novel, but still experimental, therapeutic area.

Part 4, "Regenerative Medicine," is a new part initiated for this edition. It contains chapters on Stem Cell Biology, Applications of Stem Cell Biology in Clinical Medicine, Hematopoietic Stem Cells, and Tissue Engineering. These chapters summarize the state of the science in these emerging fields and outline the future directions for clinical applications of stem cell biology in regenerative medicine.

Part 5, "Nutrition," covers topics critical to clinical medicine, whether dealing with undernutrition in the context of chronic starvation or acute illness or the implications of overfeeding in industrialized nations. New authors with global expertise in nutrition have prepared the chapters on protein-energy malnutrition and enteral and parenteral nutrition therapy. A new chapter on the Management of Obesity and a complementary chapter on the Biology of Obesity address the explosion of new knowledge about pathways that regulate body weight and composition and the urgent need to provide effective means to prevent and treat the global epidemic of obesity and its complications.

The core of Harrison's continues to encompass the disorders of the organ systems and is contained in Parts 6 through 17. These sections include succinct accounts of the pathophysiology of diseases involving the major organ systems as well as infectious diseases, with an emphasis on clinical manifestations, diagnostic procedures, differential diagnosis, and treatment strategies and guidelines.

Part 6, "Oncology and Hematology," includes 11 chapters by new authors, including a completely revised section on Disorders of Hemostasis. A new e-chapter on Thymoma has also been added. As novel therapies are being added at a record pace to the armamentarium for oncologic and hematologic disorders, the mechanisms of action, pharmacology, clinical uses, and toxicities of these new agents have been included. Recent progress in the treatment of renal cell cancer, colorectal cancer, and breast cancer is highlighted. Revised chapters include the impact of genetic factors on cancer development and the use of gene expression data to define prognostic disease subsets.

Part 7, "Infectious Diseases," presents an overview of the latest information on disease epidemiology, pathogenesis, and genetics while focusing on the needs of clinicians who must accurately diagnose and treat infections under time pressure and cost constraints. Abundant illustrations offer key information in an easily accessible format to assist clinicians with these challenges. The expert authors of each chapter make specific recommendations regarding therapeutic regimens, including the drug(s) of choice, doses, durations, and alternatives. Current trends in antimicrobial resistance are discussed fully in light of their impact on therapeutic choices. In line with the international emphasis of this edition, the infectious diseases section includes expanded information on disease prevalences, distributions, features, and management in different regions of the world.

A total of 17 chapters have been completely rewritten by new authors, covering the latest advances in the management of important diseases such as pneumonia, shigellosis, and rabies and of infections due to Pseudomonas, Bartonella, Listeria, corynebacteria, and parvovirus. The section on fungal infections is entirely new and encompasses the expertise of current authorities on specific mycoses. Health care–associated infections, an area of enormous significance in terms of patient care in general and antimicrobial resistance in particular, are addressed by Robert Weinstein in a thorough, highly practical chapter. Another topic of ever-increasing importance—infections with gram-negative enteric bacilli, including Escherichia coli—is dealt with by Thomas Russo and James Johnson in a substantially reworked and updated chapter. The superb chapter on human papillomaviruses by Richard Reichman includes the latest information and recommendations regarding the recently licensed and widely publicized HPV vaccine. Finally, the chapter on HIV infection and AIDS by Anthony S. Fauci and H. Clifford Lane has once again been completely revised, with an emphasis on therapeutic strategies. This chapter is widely considered to be a classic in the field; its clinically pragmatic focus in combination with its comprehensive and analytical approach to the pathogenesis of HIV disease has led to its use as the sole complete reference on HIV/AIDS in medical schools.

New in this edition is a chapter on babesiosis, an important emerging infection that can cause severe disease in immunodeficient and elderly patients. Three additional new chapters of substantial clinical relevance appear in the electronic version of the textbook: an atlas of rashes associated with fever, an atlas of blood smears showing the various stages of the parasites causing malaria and babesiosis, and a chapter detailing the pharmacology of antiparasitic agents.

Terrorist attacks in various forms have become a frightening reality throughout the world. Important among these is the threat of bioterror attacks involving microbes or their toxins, chemicals, and radiation. This has become of particular concern in light of the anthrax attacks in the United States shortly after the September 11, 2001, airplane attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, DC. In the sixteenth edition, the editors developed a new Part on Bioterrorism and Clinical Medicine. Part 8 in the current edition has been updated with descriptions of the most recent countermeasures that have been developed as part of the United States preparedness plan against bioterror attacks. Edited by Harrison's Anthony S. Fauci, these chapters are written succinctly and include easily readable charts, tables, and algorithms; their goal is to confer an understanding of the pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of the diseases in question.

Part 9, "Disorders of the Cardiovascular System," is now co-edited by two of the most preeminent experts in the field, Eugene Braunwald and Joseph Loscalzo, the newest addition to the team of Harrison editors. There are new chapters on the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease with an overview of the global nature of the growing pandemic, the basic biology of the cardiovascular system (written by Braunwald, Libby, and Loscalzo), and principles of electrophysiology. A new chapter on the metabolic syndrome summarizes the clinical features and complications of this disorder, which reflects the rapidly rising prevalence of obesity and insulin resistance. In addition, there are new echapters that provide atlases of basic electrocardiography, arrhythmias, noninvasive imaging, and percutaneous revascularization. Finally, every chapter has been revised to reflect the latest information on approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of specific cardiovascular diseases, and eight of these chapters have been written by new authors.

Part 10, "Disorders of the Respiratory System," includes a new echapter on chest imaging that provides an atlas of chest radiographs and computed tomographic studies of a wide range of chest diseases. In addition, three chapters have been written by new authors, including a superb chapter on asthma by Peter Barnes and an excellent chapter on pneumonia by Lionel Mandell.

With advances in health care delivery and pressures aimed at cost containment, critical care units account for a growing percentage of hospital beds. Part 11, "Critical Care Medicine," was first introduced as a separate Part for the sixteenth edition of Harrison's. It is devoted to the provision of optimal care in this medical setting of growing importance and deals with four main areas: respiratory critical care, shock and cardiac arrest, neurologic critical care, and a new section on oncologic emergencies.

Part 12, "Disorders of the Kidney and Urinary Tract," has undergone extensive revision and reorganization under the guidance of new editor Joseph Loscalzo. There is an outstanding new chapter on the cellular and molecular biology of the kidney by Eric Neilson, as well as a new e-chapter atlas of urinary sediments and renal pathology. In addition to a thorough updating of each revised chapter, five have new authors who bring a unique, contemporary perspective to their subject.

Part 13, "Disorders of the Gastrointestinal System," includes two new atlases of endoscopic findings, both static photographs and movies. New chapters have been added on mesenteric vascular insufficiency and common disorders of the colon and ano-rectum, and new authors have written two other chapters. The chapter on Cirrhosis and Its Complications has been completely rewritten by a new author, Bruce Bacon, who is also the new author for the chapter on Infiltrative, Genetic, and Metabolic Diseases Affecting the Liver. An Atlas of Liver Biopsies has been added as a new e-chapter.

Part 14, "Disorders of the Immune System, Connective Tissue, and Joints," has been extensively revised. The chapter on Introduction to the Immune System has been thoroughly updated. It has become a classic in its field and is often used as the textbook of immunology in postgraduate and medical school courses. This chapter combines an in-depth description and analysis of the principles of basic immunology with an easy flow into the application of these principles to clinical disease states. Its description of the relationship of innate to adaptive immunity is a model for understanding the intricacies of the human immune system. A new e-chapter written by Max Cooper on Primary Immunodeficiencies Associated with or Secondary to Other Diseases has been added to complement his printed book chapter on Primary Immunodeficiencies. The chapter on Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma) and Related Disorders has been rewritten by a new author. An Atlas of Clinical Imaging in the Vasculitis Syndromes has been added as a new e-chapter. The chapters on Sarcoidosis, Amyloidosis, Osteoarthritis, and Gout and Other Crystal Arthropathies have been rewritten by new authors. A highly skilled, academic, and clinical rheumatologist (Carol Langford) has joined the team as an author and has co-authored the chapters on the Vasculitis Syndromes, Relapsing Polychondritis, Fibromyalgia, and Arthritis Associated with Systemic Disease and Other Arthritides.

Part 15, "Endocrinology and Metabolism," includes several new authors, including those for the chapter on pheochromocytoma, which highlights recent advances in the genetic causes of these catecholamine-secreting tumors, as well as updated strategies for diagnosis and management. The chapter on the Ovary has a new author who integrates traditional hypothalamic-pituitary regulation of the menstrual cycle with the identification of multiple ovarian growth factors that regulate follicle development. Identification of these pathways has provided insight into the causes of premature ovarian failure and infertility. There have been rapid changes in the clinical management of many endocrine diseases, especially diabetes, lipoprotein disorders, and the menopause. These and other chapters have been updated extensively. A new Atlas of Metabolic Disorders has been added as an e-chapter.

Part 16, "Neurologic Disorders," has been extensively rewritten to highlight the many advances that have taken place in the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of neurologic and psychiatric diseases. Notable are new chapters on essential tremor and movement disorders, peripheral neuropathy, and neurologic problems in hospitalized patients. Many illustrative neuroimaging figures appear throughout the section, and a new atlas of neuroimaging findings has been added. Knowledge of the dementias, Parkinson's disease, and related neurodegenerative disorders has been transformed by new findings from genetics, modular imaging, cell biology, and clinical research. The very latest information has been included, providing a practical guide to diagnosis and appropriate use of the latest treatments. New therapies are also revolutionizing the care of patients with stroke and multiple sclerosis, and these are also discussed in an evidence-based fashion that will be useful to all practitioners and not only to specialists. Another new chapter, authored by Stephen Hyman and Eric Kandel, reviews progress in deciphering the pathogenesis of common psychiatric disorders and discusses the remaining challenges to development of more effective treatments.

Part 17, "Poisoning, Drug Overdose, and Envenomation," focuses on topics most relevant to internal medicine.

Part 18 is a new feature to Harrison's and represents four brand new e-chapters from our International Advisory Editors. Dr. Peter Barnes addresses the emerging use of pulmonary biomarkers in COPD. This state of the art summary will be useful to clinicians and researchers alike. Chagas' disease continues to cause significant morbidity in Central and South America, and the long period between infection and cardiovascular complications can make the etiologic aspects of its diagnosis difficult. The cardiovascular pathologies and sequelae, as well as current approaches to diagnosis and treatment, are clearly described by Dr. Sposito and Dr. Ramires. Chapter e38 by Dr. Reddy, Dr. Naik, and Dr. Roy addresses the potential benefits and challenges of a polypill for multiple cardiovascular risk factors, an issue of global interest in light of increases in cardiovascular disease worldwide. Interest in the mitochondrial role in human health and disease has advanced considerably in recent years, and Chapter e39 by Dr. Skorecki and Dr. Mandel sets forth the current understanding of the role of the mitochondria in a large number of diseases and approaches to diagnosis and treatment.


Harrison : Principle of Internal Medicine

Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2008

Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2008 is the 47th annual volume of this single-source reference for practitioners in both hospital and ambulatory settings. Annually updated, this book emphasizes the practical features of clinical diagnosis and patient management in all fields of internal medicine and in specialties of interest to primary care practitioners and to subspecialists who provide general care.


  • Updated topics reflecting the most current epidemiology, etiology, and diagnosis and treatment recommendations
  • Many chapters on specific disorders have been reorganized to emphasize disease states, including Geriatric Disorders, Dermatologic Disorders, Disorders of the Eyes & Lids, Heart Disease, Pulmonary Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Nervous System Disorders, Nutritional Disorders, Common Problems in Infectious Diseases & Antimicrobial Therapy, Bacterial & Chlamydial Infections, Spirochetal Infections, and Mycotic Infections
  • Updated Palliative Care & Pain Management chapter focusing on improved quality of life and effective analgesic strategies
  • The Common Symptoms chapter has been expanded to include more symptoms and to provide more information on treatment
  • Essentially new chapters on Disorders of the Blood Vessels and Lymphatics, and Protozoal and Helminthic Infections
  • Extensively revised Ear, Nose & Throat Disorders and Hypertension chapters
  • Reorganized Cancer chapter brings together common cancers and highlights latest treatment advances
  • Developments in HIV infection, including new drugs, currently recommended treatment regimens, and up-to-date information on antiretroviral drug resistance
  • New information on alternative medicine and complementary therapies, including a new section on mind-body medicine, and sections on clinical hypnosis; biofeedback; mindfulness meditation; stress reduction and cognitive therapy; and guided imagery
  • Update on antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal agents
  • Drug information, bibliographies, and Web sites updated through June 2007
  • New internal design for greater clarity of presentation
  • ICD-9 codes listed on the inside covers
  • New 8-page color insert featuring dermatologic and ophthalmic images


  • Medical advances up to time of annual publication
  • Detailed presentation of all primary care topics, including gynecology, obstetrics, dermatology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, psychiatry, neurology, toxicology, urology, geriatrics, preventive medicine, and palliative care
  • Concise format, facilitating efficient use in any practice setting
  • More than 1000 diseases and disorders
  • Only text with annual update on HIV infection
  • Prevention and cost information
  • Easy access to drug dosages, with trade names indexed and prices updated in each edition
  • Key Internet addresses for current peer-reviewed medical information including:
    • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention traveler's and immunization information
    • National Institutes of Health Consensus Statements
    • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality of the United States Public Health Service Clinical Guidelines
    • Recent references, with unique identifiers (PubMed, PMID, numbers) for rapid downloading of article abstracts and, in some instances, full-text reference articles
    • Information on access to CMDT ONLINE


Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2008

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Diagnosis 1th ed

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Diagnosis 1th ed

This book explains how to use a history, examination and preliminary tests to arrive at a diagnosis in a transparent way. The diagnosis is a title for what we imagine is happening to a patient physically and socially. It allows us to anticipate what may happen next, how this can be influenced by intervention and to share with the patient and colleagues in various disciplines what we are doing.

The book allows the diagnostician to focus on symptoms, physical signs and initial test results that are likely to lead to a diagnosis. This is based on the principle that 'diagnostic leads' with short differential diagnoses will be more informative than those features with long lists of causes.

Each diagnosis on a page resembles an entry from an evidence-based past medical history. The reader scans down the page to see which of the entries are compatible with the patient's findings so far. The compatible findings can then be used as evidence for the diagnosis to be shared with the patient or other members of the multidisciplinary team. Such information can also be shared by using computer systems.

Readers are encouraged to be critical about the contents of the book, to make changes in the Oxford Handbook spirit and to let us know of any significant differences in opinion, or errors


Oxford Handbook of Clinical Diagnosis 6th ed